Let Us Connect You to Business Resources in Owasso.
The City of Owasso's Economic Development Team works in cooperation with other governmental agencies, chambers of commerce and financial institutions to support emerging and expanding companies in Owasso, Oklahoma. We offer assistance to companies considering a location in our region.
Operating on a strategic plan, the Economic Development Team supplies the following services:
- Business Outreach and Development
- Technical Assistance for Businesses
- Workforce Development and Training Information
- Site and Building Development
- Small Business Development
- Entrepreneurial Assistance
- Professional Development for Retirees (Encore Program)
- Incentive Analysis and Assistance
- Business Advocacy
The Owasso Economic Development Team provides leadership to the private sector to develop business opportunities. The result is quality jobs created and retained in the city and the region.

Fast Facts:
The Owasso Encore Program assists retired professionals by helping them lend their talents and experience back into the business world. The Owasso Economic Development Team can place retirees into volunteer or mentor roles for the schools or businesses, or help them get back into the workforce or begin a new career or business venture. Contact the Economic Development Department at 918-376-1500 or email swingert@cityofowasso.com for more information.