Welcome to the Owasso Economic Development Blog.
Hello! Welcome to the first blog post on Owasso Economic Development’s new website! This website is a step toward implementing the recently revealed Owasso Economic Strategic Plan, specifically the section of the plan focused on marketing Owasso.
Owasso must tell its story to get attention. Our story must be authentic and clear so that it is understood, believable and memorable to stand out in the chatter of overwhelming media. There are many suburbs clamoring for attention. Owasso needs to define our compelling, authentic and unique attributes to frame a cohesive and memorable identity for who Owasso is now and in the future.
The leading tool for economic development marketing is a website that presents relevant data, business case studies, maps and other points of interest that influence business location decision-making. Not only is this the first place a business or site selector seeks information, it may be the only place information is gathered before a desktop screen of the community is made. Having no information available online may result in elimination from consideration.
You will also notice that we will be ramping up Owasso’s story on social media. Increasingly businesses and site selectors are gathering news from these outlets. When a community is not participating in social media, it creates a void that competitors can fill with news about their communities.
We will be updating this blog on a regular basis. Visit often to keep in touch with all the new things happening in Owasso as well as updates on what is happening in the wider business world. There is plenty to tell you about!

Take a moment to explore our new site. Bookmark us, and check back regularly for news and insights about Owasso’s growth and economic development.
If you have any questions about our new site or, indeed, any other matter, please get in touch:
- Art Haddaway, Marketing & Communiations Specialist
- ahaddaway@cityofowasso.com
- 918-376-1500