Let us Connect You to Business Resources in Owasso.

Owasso’s infrastructure supports all businesses in the city, and includes transmodal market access and inexpensive utilities. Below are links to Owasso and Tulsa area organizations with valuable resources and information to assist you whether you are planning to live or start a business in Owasso.

Innovation Resources

Innovation resources are abundant in the Tulsa region and available to Owasso businesses:

Entrepreneurship Resources

Financial Resources

Owasso businesses have access to a strong portfolio of business financing resources available in the state and Tulsa region. Service providers collaborate with economic development, education and training entities to connect with clients. Owasso’s local banks are highly supportive of business growth.

  • Oklahoma Finance Authorities is a statewide financial resource to support business, higher education, public infrastructure, and healthcare.
  • REI of Oklahoma is a certified development corporation that provides access to financing including New Market Tax Credits and SBA loans.
  • Angel and Venture Capital – numerous investor groups in Tulsa and Oklahoma City.
  • i2E is a source of startup capital for emerging businesses, including Oklahoma Seed Capital Fund, Accelerate Oklahoma! Fund and SeedStep Angels which offer equity and investment capital for entrepreneurs.
  • Tulsa County Industrial Authority can issue industrial revenue bonds and other debt instruments to assist with economic development projects.
  • Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a redevelopment economic development financing tool authorized by the State of Oklahoma. The City of Owasso has experience with TIFs.

Agenda & Minutes

Please visit www.cityofowasso.com/agendacenter
to view current and past agendas.