Meet the City of Owasso's Economic Development team.
The City of Owasso's Economic Development team works daily with businesses, property owners and the community to support existing business and industry. We also encourage business creation from within the city and attract new business to Owasso, Oklahoma.
The Economic Development team supports and is advised by the Owasso Economic Development Authority, a recommending body to the Owasso City Council.
Owasso Economic Development Authority
The seven-member Owasso Economic Development Authority meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Community Room at Owasso City Hall.
Members are not required to reside in the Owasso City limits, although they must be a resident of the State of Oklahoma. Members are appointed by the Mayor for five-year terms, with City Council confirmation.
Click here for the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
The duties of the Authority are to plan, implement, and promote projects and programs that directly benefit the community’s rate of economic growth.

Shellie Wingert, Economic Developer
Art Haddaway, Marketing & Communications Specialist